
Keep Your Water Clean: Choosing The Right Location For Your Well

Whether you are building a home or drilling an additional well to cope with a dwindling water supply, you need to be sure your drinking water is safe. The most important thing you can do to ensure the quality of your drinking water, besides proper drilling and construction techniques, is to choose a safe location for your well. Well water is drawn from the underground aquifer, which is recharged by rainwater slowly traveling through the ground. Read More 

3 Safety Rules to Follow When Using Scissor Lifts

When you need to move heavy loads and/or personnel in a vertical direction, a scissor lift can be an invaluable tool. Working with industrial equipment, like a scissor lift, can be dangerous if your employees don't remain vigilant at all times. Here are three safety rules to ensure your employees follow when using scissor lifts in the future. 1. Perform a pre-use safety check. In order for employees to remain safe while using a scissor lift, the equipment must be in proper working condition. Read More 

What To Do When You Can’t Find Your Septic Tank Lid

If you suspect septic problems and are planning to snake the line to the tank or clean the inlet baffle for the first time, your first challenge will be to locate the septic tank lid. Newer tanks have lids with raised handles, making them easy to spot. But many older tanks have lids that are flush with the ground. If you don't know where the tank is or how it is situated, finding it is a lot harder. Read More 

Three Reasons Why Starting A Contractor Equipment Rental Company Is A Good Idea

If you are thinking about starting a contractor rental company, but you are not sure if you should, stop thinking about it and do it already. You can actually turn a very nice profit with this type of business. When profit is not enough to motivate you to get started, these other three reasons should. Construction Happens All Year Round Construction is a non-stop sort of business. The farther south you live and work, the more construction continues throughout the year. Read More 

Caring For Flame-Resistant Clothing So It Lasts

If you have a job that requires you to wear flame-resistant clothing to reduce the chance of injury, you will want to take special care of this apparel so it will last. Improper maintenance of your clothing can cause it to lose its flame-resistant properties, putting you at risk. Here are some guidelines to follow when caring for flame-resistant clothing. Water Density The quality of the water you use to launder your clothing has an impact on the flame-resistant properties of the material. Read More