A Successful Family Business

Working With Metric Fasteners? How To Avoid Costly Mistakes

If you're going to be working with metric fasteners, take steps to avoid mistakes, especially those that would undermine the strength of your finished product. Mistakes can mean the difference between a successful project, and failure. Before you start your project, here are four steps that will help when you're working with metric fasteners.  Know Your Work Environment When your project requires metric fasteners, it's important that you consider your work environment. Read More 

Benefits Of Using Guides With Oil Sucker Rods

Sucker rods are an important component used in the oil industry. They do create metal-to-metal contact and that's not good for prolonged periods of time. You can do something about this aspect with sucker rod guides. They are beneficial for many reasons.  Reduce Tubing Wear Probably the most important reason to incorporate guides with your oil site's sucker rods is to reduce tubing wear. As mentioned before, it tends to happen over time and if it continues, the internal tubing used in your oilfield operations will not hold up for as long as it should. Read More 

Ceiling Tile Tips For Building Owners

Whether it is for a commercial or residential property, ceiling tiles can be an important interior feature. If you are wanting to either install ceiling tiles or replace the ceiling tiles that are currently in your building, you will still need to make sure that you are sufficiently informed about installing and owning ceiling tiles. What Holds The Ceiling Tiles In Place? Individuals will often assume that ceiling tiles will be installed directly on the ceiling. Read More 

Do You Need A Locked-In Or Variable Price For Your Heating Oil?

When you arrange for heating oil delivery, you might think getting a contract that locks in lower prices for the long term is a wise move. Yet a lot of heating oil companies don't set up contracts where you lock in prices, preferring to keep agreements short-term and variable. There are advantages to both approaches, but the one you use depends on how you feel about a few facts in the heating oil business. Read More 

Why You Should Use A Flange Square

When it comes to welding, pipe bending, and many other industrial purposes, flange squares are extremely useful and important. These squares allow you to easily check the angle between the flange and the relevant material, ensuring it's exactly right for your application.  While some people don't check the angle at all or just guess whether or not it's correct, using a flange square is always a better choice. Flanges can also be used for connecting valves and other types of equipment together or for sealing joints. Read More